Get Dirty: fall’s beauty, the mum
It Just Isn’t Fall without Mums
A fall floral favorite, the mum is as much a staple for fall as is a pumpkin to Halloween.
Bright, colorful and versatile, mums transform front doors into festive welcome centers and complete harvest displays with brilliant, flawless beauty. You just can’t go wrong with the versatile chrysanthemum.
And one more reason to love mums? Two words: low maintenance.
Yes, mums require little to no maintenance beyond watering (to keep soil moderately moist). Want to encourage more blooms? Deadhead regularly with sharp clippers and blooms will keep on giving with autumnal grace.
Want some ideas to refresh your home’s look with mums?
- Line steps to your front door with potted mums, one mum on each side of each step. This creates a welcoming entrance, lined with gorgeous flowers.
- Since mums thrive in cool weather, add them to existing pots of florals, in place of flowers that have passed their peak summer bloom period.
- Combine coordinating colors of mums together in clusters. Group together reds, oranges, yellow and creamy whites. Or, display purples with pinks and pure whites.
- Couple potted mums with an array of various pumpkins for a festive display.