Let ’em judge… and shine anyway
Isn’t this the truth? I found this quote online a number of years ago, and have shared it with audiences now and then.

It seems as though so many are enduring extreme challenges right now. And while, at any time, every person you see is going through something (hey, it’s the reality of life), it is possible to endure challenges while still holding on to joy. Even when challenges are as extreme as so many appear to be at this very moment.
Sound crazy? It’s not. In fact, it’s a simple concept—and this quote explains both the why and how.
Stay true to you. Be your best. Trust in yourself. Keep striving for your goals. Focus on you and react with love to all. Doing so strengthens self-love and allows vision clarity through the power of joy. And only then can we consistently react to the world with kindness.
Consider when we can see an unhappy (perhaps even seemingly unfriendly) person. Do we react with irritation, or can we instead see an individual who likely needs our prayer? Our understanding. And sometimes, a turn of the cheek as we continue on our own pathway. Choose the prayerful path.
Love yourself. Keep shining. Stay authentic. Live in your truth. And then yes, you’ll keep on shining, just as you were intended to glow.
Just a quick Weds., morning thought… so, go make a great day and spread some of your own sunshine to others. They’ll be happy to see it. And if not? Let their harsh words and actions bounce off and away. You’ll be untouched and glow from the inside anyways.