August means heat, sunshine, good times, and transition.
It’s a month half-comprised of vacation, summer sun ‘n relaxation—and half-comprised of a return to routines.
Yet, with the pandemic shifting everything in our worlds, this August may leave us feeling more off-balance than any previous August. The routines to which we’re returning look different, vacations have been altered (or cancelled), and so much just feels, well, off.
This is why it’s even more important for us to keep focus. And to hold appreciation for what is, no matter the view.

As the heat of summer blazes its brilliance and we appreciate final days of ‘summer vacation,’ we also look ahead. We look toward a new normalcy. We pray for a vaccine to eradicate the virus, but we still forge ahead regardless—with intelligence and yes, even a fearless spirit. We must forge ahead with our goals. With to-do lists. Let’s remain productive and focus on being present.
And above all? Give yourself a break. Life has been altered. Energies have been spread thin. And perhaps you’ve not achieved anticipated progress. We’re with you. But guess what? It’s okay. Get back up. Dust off. Recognize the likely reality, which is this: you HAVE been productive. You HAVE addressed new necessities. And now, as August nears its end, the new necessities are in-rhythm. In routine. And once we flip the calendar to September, it’s time to turn flickering embers of ambition into a whole damn inferno.
Make it happen. And walk with us. Keep an eye online to our site. We have a treasure trove of content, all FREE, and all available to serve you. To be an inspiration. And to be a swift kick in the bum if you need that. It’s YOUR life. Make it your own, and make it your mission to, each day, take at least one step forward.
Happy August, friends… and may your summer’s dog days be preparation for blazing your trail ahead.