April issue

Splash a little.
As April’s reputation promises, rain and showers are, indeed, prevalent throughout most of the country. So many puddles. And so many opportunities for new growth and adventure.
In April, the forest was teeming with new life and playful, cute critters came out to play. An avid explorer I was, propelled by a purple bike, feet dry in rain boots, and hunger satisfied with jelly beans and a bag of chips.
My adventures began at full-throttle, pigtails flying in the breeze. I’d race along, jumping overgrown tree roots, all the while polishing my daredevil skills.
Yes, deep into the forest path I’d ride. With purpose. There were wildflowers to pick and puddles to pounce upon. Oh, yes, I splashed more than a little. I was in my glory.
It was during these days–and on these conquests–when my love for nature rooted itself firmly within my core.
A pond and meadow, tucked in the forest’s center, was my final destination. I’d drop the bike on its side and still myself. I’d sit. And stare at the outdoors. At the water. At its serenity and unscathed beauty. What a clear reflection of what was real in life.
Although I was a very young girl, I knew then that while the rest of the world was changing around me, what was natural, real and truly beautiful always seemed to remain as such. It was untouched.
Intentionally, I reflected. And I appreciated. Even as a pipsqueak squirt.
And then? I blasted back onto the bike to soar through the forest path, its puddles and jumps–and I’d head home.
It was my escape. And don’t we all need a special place to visit? To intentionally reflect and relax? Of course, we do.
Maybe yours is a porch swing. Or a picnic table in the yard. Or, perhaps you have your own forest path, too.
So, embrace your special place. Appreciate. And this April, find a puddle to pounce upon. Splash a little. I bet it’ll make you smile…