August issue

How much do you really see around you? Are you present enough to enjoy this amazing month of August? Think about this…
Drippy popsicles. Juice moustaches. Barefoot races across green lawns. Giggles. Splashes into the water. Wet dog shakes. And overflowing sangria indulgences.
Isn’t summer wonderful?
Yes, we begin August by absorbing the final lazy days of summer. We celebrate these ‘dog days’ with an extra pat on Fido’s fluffy head, we fire up the grill for impromptu cookouts—and we gaze at nighttime stars just because we can. Routines are out the opened window. Hey, it’s still summertime.
We savor the sweetness of its remaining days. So, bring on the hot dog days because throughout much of the country? We know what comes next.
But there’s more. This month offers a beautiful juxtaposition of lazy summer days with the mid-month return of strict routines, school schedules, practices and anxiety-laden school bus rides. What a month of contradiction + opposites, right?
Mid-August means alarm clocks for the entire fam’; a wakeup call to a return of routines.
But as I see it, the juxtaposition is reason for celebration. Let’s appreciate the moments. Let’s be truly present for all that surrounds. Let’s put down the phones, get off Facebook for a bit and embrace the reality around us.
Hear others’ laughter and make your own. Know the drippy popsicle is cleaned with a simple swipe of a paper towel (or squirt of Spray ‘n Wash). Watch your dog’s silliness and appreciate his uninhibited affection. Really look at those you talk to; listen to their words and vocal inflections. Appreciate your health as you awaken each morn to the alarm’s noise.
And one more tip to ensure you’re present? Slip on your fave flip-flops… and then feel your toes. Sounds silly, but you can’t NOT be present if you’re noticing your toes. Give it a try.
Embrace this month of August, and together let’s celebrate this beautiful month of hot temps, good times, and a return to life’s routine.
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